I’m somewhat assuming something has changed over the weekend, which is now breaking this all the time. If opening the PFX file does not open Keychain Access. usr/bin/hdiutil mount -plist -nobrowse -readonly -noidme -mountrandom /tmp # Installing a certificate to use with Safari and Chrome does not actually require you to open the browser. Install ChromeDriver choco install chromedriver. => No checksum defined for Cask google-chrome, skipping verification To install any program, developers have to build them from source.

=> Moving Caskroom from HOMEBREW_REPOSITORY to HOMEBREW_PREFIX There is no Package Manager for ChromeOS (like apt, yum). Warning: /usr/local is not writable, sudo is needed to move the Caskroom. Quick Commands The following is the single command required to install Google Chrome on macOS using Homebrew. api/cask/google-chrome.json (JSON API) Cask code on GitHub. It is known as the missing package manager for macOS. Install command: brew install -cask google-chrome. + brew cask install Caskroom/cask/google-chrome Homebrew is a free and open-source software package management system that simplifies the installation of software on Apple’s macOS operating system.

Our build has used Chrome in selenium on a Mac stack for a few months now and as of today (last successful build was 4 days ago), the step to install Chrome fails on every build because of hdiutil apparently failing.